General Information

Topic General Database Information
Templates This data template is based on the structure of the International Soil Carbon Network template and is provided to faciltate formating of data in heirarchical structure. Each completed template corresponds to at least one entry, which is a linked list of tables (or tabs) descibing a dataset. Synthesis datasets may be entered as a single template but will be automatically partioned into discrete entries based on the original data sources compiled for the synthesis.
Tables The template is comprised of 8 linked tables desgined to capture records that are linked in space and/or time. In order to be submitted to the database, each entry (template) must report at least one record for the metadata, site, profile and at least one of the other data tables.
Critical Fields Fields within the template that are indicated with red text are required. These fields must be complete or the template will fail the QA/QC test and can not be ingested.
Cell Validation The MS Excel version of the template implements cell validation to ensure consitent entry of hierarchical variables across levels and the use of standardized controlled vocabulary. Some difficulties with this validation script can occur if validation is copied and pasted from one column to another.
Variable Extent Some varialbes are applicable across multiple levels of the database hierarchy. For example, soil carbon content may be reported at the profile, layer, and fraction level. Correspondingly, we assign an extent to each variable, which indicates at what levels that variable may be reported. Variables listed as “Global” may be applied across all levels (profile, layer, and fraction); “Regional” may be applied at the layer or fraction level; and “Local” may be applied at only the level for which it is defined (please note that Site level variables are always Local). Functionally, this is important because not every value that can be included at a specic level of the database may be included as a column in the template. For example, if you are entering a dataset that includes data for a variable that is not listed in the fraction tab, you can check to see if the variable exists at other levels (i.e., layer). If a variable is defined at the layer level and is noted as “Global” or “Regional” in extent, that variable can be added as a new column to the fraction tab as long as two formatting rules are followed: (1) The variable name must match formating used at the other levels except that (2) it must be proceeded by a prefix identifying the level, which are limited to “p_” for profile, “l_” for layer, or “f_” for fraction.
Site vs. Profile For the purpose of this database, the Site level is reserved for locations with unique spatial coordinates. Every dataset must include at least 1 unique site but may include multiple sites, used to represent large scale (> 1 km) spatial gradients. The Site level information is used primarily for georeferencing the compiled data AND/OR extracting variables from preexisting spatial data products such as model outputs of net primary productivity. Spatial corrdinates for sample locations <1km appart can be reported in the profile table and a mean value should be reported for site corrdinates if a specific measurement was not made.
Controlled Vocaulary Some categorical fields utilized a standardized or “controlled” vocabulary. Fields that use controlled vocabulary can be easily identified by the use of parentheses in the units row of the template and template information files. Entry of values in these fields are limited to the values described on the “Controlled Vocabulary” tab of the template. In the most recent versions of the template, cell validation (see above) is used to ensure values entered into these field are limited to the accepted values.
Template QA/QC Users can use the QA/QC tool from the R-shiny interface to check completed templates for errors. This tool checks for consistenacy of site, profile, and layer names across levels; evaluates whether values entered fall within the acceptable ranges (usually an indication of whether the correct units are reported); verifies controlled vocabularly terms are used; and ensures all critical fields are completed. In addtion to this automated tool, completed templates are also evaluated by a technical expert to ensure proper entry of data before ingestion into the database.

Data Tabs:

The template file that is submitted must contain the tabs below, otherwise the data quality control step will fail. Click on one of the tab names to see what columns you expect to find in that tab.

  1. metadata tab
  2. site tab
  3. profile tab
  4. layer tab
  5. fraction tab


Columns in this tab describe the source of the dataset.

Column_Name Variable_Name Units/Info Description Controlled_Vocab/Values
dataset_name Dataset Name author_year Standardized dataset name: “first author_ publication year.” Synthesis studies should report multiple entries for each dataset in the synthesis. must match across levels
doi_number Digital Object Modifier (DOI) Number” prefix is not required Digital Object Identifier. Please look this number up at journal webpage even if it is not reported in PDF. Alphanumeric string only. Do not include “
curator_name Curator Name Your name (person entering data) Name of person completing template or, in the case of synthesis efforts, the author of the synthesis.
curator_organization Curator Organization Your organization Professional affiliation
curator_email Curator Email Your email Current Contact email
modification_date Template Modification Date YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY Date template was last modified
contact_name Additional Contact Name Corresponding author of dataset Name of corresponding author from the dataset or synthesis
contact_email Additional Contact Email Corresponding author email Current email of corresponding author of dataset of synthesis
contact_orcid_id Contact ORCID ID Number Corresponding author ORCID # ORCID number of corresponding author (if reported)
bibliographical reference Bibliographical Reference Author(s), Year, Article Title, Journal Title, Volume, Page Numbers Citation for study (if applicable)
metadata_note Notes about dataset Notes Any comments regarding missing data, available data not included in publication, or other pertinent aspects of the study or dataset.


Columns in the site tab provide information about the georeferenced site where soil carbon data was collected. There can be multiple sites in a single dataset.


The profile tab describes the different profiles that were analyzed at different sites. There can be multiple profiles in one site.

Column_Name Variable_Name Units/Info Description Controlled_Vocab/Values
dataset_name Dataset Name author_year see metadata tab for description must match other levels
site_name Site Name Alphanumeric see site tab for description must match other levels
profile_name Profile/Plot Name Alphanumeric A unique name for a single profile. Values should match those reported in the orginal study. If no other information is available, value can be numeric. For NRCS data it is the same as “Pedon ID”. must match other levels
profile_note Profile Notes Notes Supplemental information describing location detail, alternative profile naming, additional references, or other information
p_lat Profile Latitudue dec. deg Latitude and Longitude of profile locations. These fields are for reporting fine-scale (<1 km) spatial locations. For larger differences in location, the Site designation should be used. Datum should match that specified for the Site. numeric, min=-180, max=180
p_long Profile Longitude dec. deg numeric, min=-180, max=180
p_observation_date Observation Date YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY The date the profile sample was collected from the field formatted: YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY
p_treatment Profile Treatment Control or Treatment Indication of whether samples were collected from a natural soil (control) or one subjected to an experimental treatment. Blank values are assumed to represent Control conditions. Control, Treatment, or Blank
p_treatment_note Profile Treatment Note Treatment Type If samples are from an exerimental treatment, provide a description of the treatment type (warming, isotopic label, rainout, etc).
profile_comp Profile Compositing Yes or Blank Are Profile data from composite sample? When no value is entered, it is assumed samples were not a composite Yes or Blank
profile_reps Profile Replcate Number Positive Integer The number of replicates averaged for the data reported, blank cells or a value of 1 indicate no replication numeric, min=1, max=inf, blank values==1
p_MAT Mean Annual Temperature Measured ˚C Mean annual temperature measured at loction of the soil profile. numeric, min=-60, max=60
p_MAP Mean Annual Precipitation Measured mm Mean annual precipitation measured at location of the soil profile. numeric, min=0, max=15000
p_MAST Mean Annual Soil Temperature ˚C Mean annual soil temperature as estimated for the entire profile. Depth specific values may be reported at the Layer level. numeric, min=-60, max=60
p_MASWC Mean Annual Water Content % WHC Mean annual soil moisture content as estimated for the entire profile in units of % water holding capacity. Depth specific values may be reported at the Layer level. numeric, min=0, max=100
soil_taxon Soil Taxonomic Classification The taxonomic classification of the soil profile
soil_series Soil Series The soil series of the profile
soil_class_system Soil Taxonomic Classification System (soil_class_system) The soil taxonomic classification system used to define the soil taxon designation NRCS is assumed as default
land_cover Land Cover Category (land_cover) The general landcover classificiation bare, cultivated, forest, rangeland/grassland, shrubland, urban, wetland
p_veg_note Profile Vegetation species names Provide additional detail of vegetation information including species composition, basal area, aboveground biomass, etc.
bedrock_depth Depth to Bedrock cm The observed depth to the top of the bedrock layer. numeric, min=0, max =
depth_water Depth to Water Table cm Measure or estimate the depth from the ground surface to the stabilized contact with free- standing water in an open bore-hole or well at the time of sampling. numeric, min=0, max=inf
thaw_depth_profile Thaw Depth cm The depth to the frozen surface of the profile. For Alaska sites, this applies only if sampled after August 15 and should be left blank if sampled before. numeric, min= , max=
parent_material Parent Material Categories (parent_material) Generalized geologic type describing the geologic or organic precursors of the soil igneous intrusive, igneous extrusive, igneous pyroclastic, metamorphic, sedimentary-clastics, organic, evaporites, interbedded
parent_chem Parent Material Chemistry (parent_chem) General parent material chemical composition mafic, felsic, intermediate
parent_material_notes Notes on parent material or chemical rock type, etc. Additional details regarding the soil parent material
2d_position 2D Position (2d_position) 2-dimensional position of the site on the Landform on which it is located. See USDA- NRCS-NSSC Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils (Staff 2002; pp. 3-38 through 3-41). This information supplements Landscape and Landform to describe the geographic setting of the site. summit, shoulder, backslope, footslope, toeslope, interfluve
aspect Site Aspect Class (direction) The cardinal direction that the slope faces at a site. Use this field if only if you do not provide the azimuth of the Site Aspect in compass degrees. N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW
aspect_deg Site Aspect degree The numerical observation of aspect at the site. The compass bearing (corrected for declination) that a slope faces, looking downslope. If the site has no slope leave blank. numeric, min=0, max=90
slope Slope % The angle of the ground surface through the site and in the direction that overland water would flow. Make observations facing downslope to avoid errors associated with some brands of clinometers. If the site has no slope leave blank. numeric, min=0, max=100
slope_shape Slope Shape (shape) General descriport of surface shape at soil profile sampling location. convergent, divergent, planar
drainage_class Drainage Class (drainage_class) The frequency and duration of wet periods in conditions similar to those under as defined by the USDA NRCS. excessively, somewhat excessively, well, moderately well, somewhat poorly, poorly, very poorly
p_soc Reported Profile Soil Organic Carbon Stock g cm-2 The data contributor’s calculated soil organic carbon stock value for the profile numeric, min=0 , max=Inf
p_soc_sigma Reported Profile Soil Organic Carbon Stock Standard Deviation g cm-2 The standard deviation of the site, cluster, profile, or layer-level calculated soil organic carbon stock. (For layer soil organic carbon stocks, this may be based on analytical or sampling replicates of %C or bulk density measurements). numeric, min=0 , max=Inf
p_soc_depth Reported Profile Soil Organic Carbon Stock Depth cm The depth to which profiles were sampled to quantify the mean site, cluster, or profile calculated soil organic carbon stocks. numeric, min=0 , max=Inf


The layer tab describes the layers that were analyzed in a given profile. There can be multiple layers reported for a single profile, but the depths for each layer must be explicitly reported.

Column_Name Variable_Name Units/Info Description Controlled_Vocab/Values
dataset_name Dataset Name author_year see metadata tab for description must match other levels
site_name Site Name alphanumeric see site tab for description must match other levels
profile_name Profile/Plot Name alphanumeric see profile tab for description must match other levels
layer_name Layer Name alphanumeric A unqiue layer identifier. Most commonly a concatination of the profile name and layer depth range is used. For example: “profile1_0-10” must match other levels
layer_top Layer Top cm the upper depth of the sampling interval numeric, min = , max =
layer_bot Layer Bottom cm the lower depth of the sampling intercal numeric, min = , max =
hzn Horizon alphanumeric Follow conventions of the USDA-NRCS-NSSC Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils (Staff 2002; pp. 2-2 through 2-4). Note that datasets originally using another convention will be modified for this column. If a different convention was used it can be entered in Horizon Designation Other.
layer_comp Are Layer Data From Composite? Yes or Blank Is the layer analyzed a composite of multiple samples from the same depth interval Yes or Blank
layer_note Soil Layer or Horizon Notes notes
color Moist Munsell Color Color of moist soil based on the Munsell soil color chart.
burn_ev Evidence of Burning Burn or Blank Descriptive information indicating evidence of burning within the layer. Burn or Blank
bd_samp Bulk Density, Coarse Fragments Removed g cm-3 Grams of oven-dried soil per cubic centimeter, with soil particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater that 1 cm diameter removed. numeric, min = , max =
bd_tot Bulk Density With Coarse Fragments g cm-3 Grams of oven-dried soil per cubic centimeter, with soil particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater that 1 cm diameter included. numeric, min = , max =
bd_notes Bulk Density Method or Other Notes Please reference or describe the methods used to determine bulk density.
sand_tot_psa Percent Sand % Percent by weight of soil particles greater than 0.05 mm in the sample remaining after removal of particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater than 1 cm diameter. See Gee, G.W. & Bauder, J.W. 1986. numeric, min=0, max=100
silt_tot_psa Percent Silt % Percent by weight of soil particles in the size range from 0.002 to 0.050 mm in the sample remaining after removal of particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater than 1 cm diameter. See Gee, G.W. & Bauder, J.W. 1986. numeric, min=0, max=100
clay_tot_psa Percent Clay % Percent by weight of soil particles less than 0.002 mm in the sample remaining after removal of particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater than 1 cm diameter. See Gee, G.W. & Bauder, J.W. 1986. numeric, min=0, max=100
coarse_tot Coarse Fraction % The mass percent of sample above a coarse fraction threshold . The default threshold is 2mm. Specify alternative values in coarse_size_threshold numeric, min=0, max=100
coarse_size_thresh Coarse Fraction Size Threshold Used mm The size threshold used to define the coarse fraction. The default is 2mm numeric, min=0, max=Inf
texture_class Texture Class (texture_class) The soil textural classification (USDA categories)
bet_surface_area Bulk Layer Surface Area Measured By BET m2/ g-1 Bulk surface area of sample as measured using the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) method numeric, min=0, max=Inf
ph_cacl Soil pH CaCl2 1:2 soil-CaCl2 is the pH of a sample measured in 0.01M CaCl2 at a 1:2 soil:solution ratio. numeric, min= 0, max= 14
ph_h2o Soil pH 1:1 1:1 distilled water and soil paste. If pH was done by a different method, then enter it into one of the other soil pH fields. numeric, min= 0, max= 14
ph Soil pH pH measurements other than 1:1 soil and distilled water paste or in CaCl2. numeric, min= 0, max= 14
ph_method Method Used to Measure pH (ph_method) pH measurements method other than 1:1 soil and distilled water paste or in CaCl2.
cat_exch Cation Exchange cmol H+ kg-1 Cation Exchange Capacity. Document the extractant solution in the metadata worksheet, Lab Analysis Method. numeric, min= , max=
base_sum Sum of Bases meq 100g-1 Total exchangeable base content numeric, min= , max=
cec_sum Sum of Exchangeable Cations meq 100g-1 Total exchangeable cation content numeric, min= , max=
Ca_exch Exchangeable Calcium meq 100g-1 Abundance of individual exchangeable cations (Ca, Na, Mg, or K) per 100 grams of soil extactracted. numeric, min= , max=
Na_exch Exchangeable Sodium meq 100g-1 numeric, min= , max=
Mg_exch Exchangeable Magnesium meq 100g-1 numeric, min= , max=
K_exch Exchangeable Potassium meq 100g-1 numeric, min= , max=
ecec Effective Cation Exchange Capacity meq 100g-1 numeric, min= , max=
bs % Base Saturation % The percentage of soil exchangeable sites occupied by base cations numeric, min=0, max=100
c_inorg Inorganic Carbon % Percent weight of inorganic carbon in a dried soil sample. This is often calculated by subrating measurements of organic carbon from total carbon. numeric, min=0, max=100
c_org Organic Carbon % Percent by weight of organic carbon (i.e., after inorganic carbon has been removed) in a dried soil sample. numeric, min=0, max=100
c_tot Total Carbon % Percent by weight of total carbon (i.e., inorganic + organic C) in the dried, milled soil sample. numeric, min=0, max=100
soc Bulk Layer Reported Soil Organic Carbon Stock g cm-2 The data contributor’s calculated soil organic carbon stock value for the site, cluster, profile or layer. numeric, min= , max=
soc_sigma Bulk Layer Reported Soil Organic Carbon Stock Standard Deviation g cm-2 A description of the methods used to calculate (including any gap-filling) site, cluster, profile or layer soil organic carbon stocks. numeric, min= , max=
n_tot Bulk Layer Total Nitrogen % Percent by weight of nitrogen (organic and inorganic) in an oven-dried sample (the laboratory analytical concentration). numeric, min=0, max=100
c_to_n Bulk Layer C:N unitless Mass ratio of total carbon to total nitrogen, as calculated from the total carbon and total nitrogen concentrations of the bulk layer, fraction, or other sample type. numeric, min= , max=
loi Bulk Layer Loss on Ignition % Percent by weight of the organic content of the <2mm fraction is the organic material lost after ignition. It is reported on a <2 mm base. Please document the method in the associated Carbon Analysis Method. numeric, min=0, max=100
15n Bulk Layer δ15N % Per mille signature of δ15N relative to air (international standard). numeric, min=0, max=100
13c Bulk Layer δ13C % Per mille signature of δ13C relative to Pee Dee Belemnite. numeric, min=0, max=100
rc_lab Radiocarbon Laboratory ID rc_lab Laboratory code for radiocarbon laboratory. Complete list of past and present laboratory codes can found published in Radiocarbon in November 2011 (
rc_lab_number Radiocarbon Laboratory Sample Number Layer sample identifier as designated by the radiocarbon laboratory.
rc_year Radiocarbon Analysis Year YYYY Year in which radiocarbon analysis was performed on the sample. YYYY
14c Bulk Layer Δ14C % Per mille signature of Δ14C relative to NBS Oxalic Acid standard. numeric, min=0, max=100
14c_sigma Bulk Layer Δ14C Standard Deviation % Error estimate for the fraction (eg. standard deviation of analytical reps). numeric, min=0, max=100
fraction_modern Bulk Layer Fraction Modern numeric Deviation of the bulk sample or fraction from modern. Modern is defined as 95% of the radiocarbon concentration (in AD 1950) of NBS Oxalic Acid standard, 13C-corrected. numeric, min= , max=
fraction_modern_sigma Bulk Layer Fraction Modern Standard Deviation numeric Error estimate for an individual layer (eg. standard deviation of analytical reps). numeric, min= , max=
mbc_method Microbial Biomass Method (mbc_method) The method used to esimate microbial biomass. chloroform fumigation extraction, chloroform fumigation incubation, substrate induced respiration, total PLFA, other
raw_mbc Raw Microbial Biomass Value mgC/g numeric, min= , max=
reported_mbc Reported Microbial Biomass After Transformation mgC/g numeric, min= , max=
p_ext Extractable Phosphorus Phosphorus extracted from soil numeric, min= , max=
p_units Specify Units For P Data Units for reported extractable phosphorus data
p_method Specify Method For P alphanumeric Method used for extractable phosphorsus
fe_py Pyrophosphate Extractable Fe mg/g Mass of element (Fe, Al, Si, or C) extracted from soil with sodium pyrophosphate per gram of soil extracted. numeric, min=0 , max=1000
al_py Pyrophosphate Extractable Al mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
si_py Pyrophosphate Extractable Si mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
c_py Pyrophosphate Extractable C mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
py_notes Pyrophosphate Extraction Notes alphanumeric Notes on sodium pyrophosphate extraction including concentration of extractant, solid to solution ration, and sequential or parallel extraction design (if other extractions were also performed).
fe_ox Oxalate Extractable Fe mg/g Mass of element (Fe, Al, Si, or C) extracted from soil with ammonium oxalate per gram of soil extracted. numeric, min=0 , max=1000
al_ox Oxalate Extractable Al mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
si_ox Oxalate Extractable Si mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
ox_notes Oxalate Notes: Concentration, Extraction Time, Sequential or Parallel alphanumeric Notes on ammonium oxalate extraction including concentration of extractant, solid to solution ration, and sequential or parallel extraction design (if other extractions were also performed).
fe_hy Hydroxylamine Extractable Fe mg/g Mass of element (Fe, Al, Si, or C) extracted from soil with hydroxylamine reported per gram of soil extracted. numeric, min=0 , max=1000
al_hy Hydroxylamine Extractable Al mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
si_hy Hydroxylamine Extractable Si mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
c_hy Hydroxylamine Extractable C mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
hy_notes Hydroxylamine Notes: Concentration, Extraction Time, Sequential or Parallel alphanumeric Notes on hydroxylamine extraction including concentration of extractant, solid to solution ration, and sequential or parallel extraction design (if other extractions were also performed). numeric, min=0 , max=1000
fe_dith Dithionite Extractable Fe mg/g Mass of element (Fe, Al, Si, or C) extracted from soil with hydroxylamine reported per gram of soil extracted. numeric, min=0 , max=1000
al_dith Dithionite Extractable Al mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
si_dith Dithionite Extractable Si mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
dith_notes Dithionite Notes: Concentration, Extraction Time, Sequential or Parallel alphanumeric Notes on dithionite extraction including concentration of extractant, solid to solution ration, and sequential or parallel extraction design (if other extractions were also performed). numeric, min=0 , max=1000
quartz Quartz Abundance % or +/++/+++ Quantitative or qualitative mineral abundance. When quantitative measurements are reported, use %. Otherwise, qualitative measurements use the +, ++, +++ notation numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
alkali_feldspar Alkali Feldspar Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
plag_feldspar Plagioclase Feldspar Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
mica_chlorite Mica + Chlorite Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
amphibole Amphibole (Hornblende) % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
pyroxine Enstatite + Augite + Diopside % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
olivine Olivine Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
volc_glass Volcanic Glass Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
kaol_halloy Kaolinite + Halloysite % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
smect_vermic Smectite (Montmorillonite) + Vermincullite % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
gibbsite Gibbsite Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
fe_oxides Goethite + Hematite + Magnetite + Lepidocrocite % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
imog_alloph Imogolite + Allophane % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
ferrihydrite Ferrihydrite Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
calcite_dolomite Calcite + Dolomite Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
zeolite zeolite Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”


The fraction tab contains columns describing data gathered after fractionation of soil samples. There can be mulitple fractions in a given layer.

Column_Name Variable_Name Units/Info Description Controlled_Vocab/Values
dataset_name Dataset Name author_year see metadata tab for description must match other levels
site_name Site Name alphanumeric see site tab for description must match other levels
profile_name Profile/Plot Name alphanumeric see profile tab for description must match other levels
layer_name Layer Name alphanumeric see layer tab for description must match other levels
fraction_name Fraction Sample Name alphanumeric A unique name identifier for fraction. Often this is a concatination of layer_name and the fraction_property
fraction_input Fraction Input (f_input) This is either the layer_name or fraction_name (of a different fraction) that was used as the input to this fractionation. Specifying the f_input allows for tracking multistep fractionations
fraction_property Fraction Property (f_property) The value of the chemical or physical property that defines the fraction as unique from the others in its scheme, sonicated, soluble, insoluble, wet sieve, dry sieve, HMP, respired, not respired
fraction_scheme Fractionation Scheme (f_scheme) The scheme used to isolate the fraction, e.g., density, size, aggregate, chemical. SPT_Density, SPT_Density, HF, HF, Aggregate_Size, Aggregate_Size, Particle_Size, Incubation, Incubation
fraction_scheme_units Fractionation Scheme Units (f_scheme_units) The units of measurement of the property that defines a fraction as unique, e.g. for density fractions, “g cm-3”.
fraction_scheme_conc Concentration of Extractant moles / Liter When the fractionation scheme is a chemical extraction, this is the concentration of extractant. numeric
fraction_agent Chemical or Physical Agent for Fractionation (f_agent) A specification of fractionation scheme details. Acceptable options depend on what fractionation scheme is selected.
fraction_lower Lower Cutoff Numerical (e.g., density, diameter, days, etc.) The upper boundary of the property that defines the fraction measured in units defined by f_scheme_units numeric. “Inf” if no upper limit
fraction_upper Upper Cutoff Numerical (e.g., density, diameter, days, etc.) The lower boundary of the property that defines the fraction measured in units defined by f_scheme_units numeric.
f_comp Was Fraction a Composite? Yes or Blank Was fractionation method applied to a composite sample? Yes or Blank
f_note Fraction Notes Notes Notes on fractionation procedure.
f_mass_perc Fraction Proportion of Sample Mass % Percent of total sample mass recovered from fractationation (note: this is for total sample, not just carbon) numeric, min=0, max=100
f_observation_date Observation Date YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY Date of fractionation procedure.
f_c_perc Fraction Proportion of Total Layer Carbon % Percent of total carbon mass isolated from fractionation. numeric, min=0, max=100
f_c_inorg Fraction Inorganic % Percent weight of inorganic carbon in the fraction. This is often calculated by subrating measurements of organic carbon from total carbon. numeric, min=0, max=100
f_c_org Fraction Organic Carbon % Percent by weight of organic carbon (i.e., after inorganic carbon has been removed) in the fraction numeric, min=0, max=100
f_c_tot Fraction Total Carbon % Percent by weight of total carbon (i.e., inorganic + organic C) in the fraction numeric, min=0, max=100
f_n_tot Fraction Total Nitrogen % Percent by weight of nitrogen (organic and inorganic) in an oven- dried sample (the laboratory analytical concentration). numeric, min=0, max=100
f_c_to_n Fraction
C:N numeric Mass ratio of total carbon to total n itrogen, as calculated from the total carbon and total nitrogen concentrations of the bulk layer, fraction, or other sample type. numeric
f_15n Fraction δ15N % Per mille signature of δ15N relative to air (international standard). numeric, min=0, max=100
f_13c Fraction δ13C % Per mille signature of δ13C relative to Pee Dee Belemnite. numeric, min=0, max=100
f_rc_lab Radiocarbon Laboratory ID alphanumeric Laboratory code for radiocarbon laboratory. Complete list of past and present laboratory codes can found published in Radiocarbon in November 2011 (
f_rc_lab_number Radiocarbon Laboratory Sample Number alphanumeric Layer sample identifier as designated by the radiocarbon laboratory.
f_rc_year Radiocarbon Analysis Year YYYY Year in which radiocarbon analysis was performed on the sample. YYYY
f_14c Fraction Δ14C % Per mille signature of Δ14C relative to NBS Oxalic Acid standard. numeric, min=0, max=100
f_14c_sigma Fraction Δ14C Standard Deviation % Error estimate for the fraction (eg. standard deviation of analytical reps). numeric, min=0, max=100
f_fraction_modern Fraction Fraction Modern numeric Deviation of the bulk sample or fraction from modern. Modern is defined as 95% of the radiocarbon concentration (in AD 1950) of NBS Oxalic Acid standard, 13C-corrected. numeric, min=0, max=100
f_fraction_modern_sigma Fraction Fraction Modern Standard Deviation numeric Error estimate for an individual layer (eg. standard deviation of analytical reps).
f_fe_py Pyrophosphate Extractable Fe mg/g Mass of element (Fe, Al, Si, or C) extracted from soil with sodium pyrophosphate per gram of soil extracted. numeric, min=0 , max=1000
f_al_py Pyrophosphate Extractable Al mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
f_si_py Pyrophosphate Extractable Si mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
f_c_py Pyrophosphate Extractable C mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
f_py_notes Pyrophosphate Extraction Notes alphanumeric Notes on sodium pyrophosphate extraction including concentration of extractant, solid to solution ration, and sequential or parallel extraction design (if other extractions were also performed).
f_fe_ox Oxalate Extractable Fe mg/g Mass of element (Fe, Al, Si, or C) extracted from soil with ammonium oxalate per gram of soil extracted. numeric, min=0 , max=1000
f_al_ox Oxalate Extractable Al mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
f_si_ox Oxalate Extractable Si mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
f_ox_notes Oxalate Notes: Concentration, Extraction Time, Sequential or Parallel alphanumeric Notes on ammonium oxalate extraction including concentration of extractant, solid to solution ration, and sequential or parallel extraction design (if other extractions were also performed).
f_fe_hy Hydroxylamine Extractable Fe mg/g Mass of element (Fe, Al, Si, or C) extracted from soil with hydroxylamine reported per gram of soil extracted. numeric, min=0 , max=1000
f_al_hy Hydroxylamine Extractable Al mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
f_si_hy Hydroxylamine Extractable Si mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
f_c_hy Hydroxylamine Extractable C mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
f_hy_notes Hydroxylamine Notes: Concentration, Extraction Time, Sequential or Parallel alphanumeric Notes on hydroxylamine extraction including concentration of extractant, solid to solution ration, and sequential or parallel extraction design (if other extractions were also performed).
f_fe_dith Dithionite Extractable Fe mg/g Mass of element (Fe, Al, Si, or C) extracted from soil with hydroxylamine reported per gram of soil extracted. numeric, min=0 , max=1000
f_al_dith Dithionite Extractable Al mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
f_si_dith Dithionite Extractable Si mg/g numeric, min=0 , max=1000
f_dith_notes Dithionite Notes: Concentration, Extraction Time, Sequential or Parallel alphanumeric Notes on dithionite extraction including concentration of extractant, solid to solution ration, and sequential or parallel extraction design (if other extractions were also performed).
f_quartz Quartz Abundance % or +/++/+++ Quantitative or qualitative mineral abundance. When quantitative measurements are reported, use %. Otherwise, qualitative measurements use the +, ++, +++ notation numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
f_alkali_feldspar Alkali Feldspar Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
f_plag_feldspar Plagioclase Feldspar Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
f_mica_chlorite Mica + Chlorite % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
f_amphibole Amphibole (Hornblende) % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
f_pyroxine Enstatite + Augite + Diopside % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
f_olivine Olivine Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
f_volc_glass Volcanic Glass Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
f_kaol_halloy Kaolinite + Halloysite % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
f_smect_vermic Smectite (Montmorillonite) + Vermincullite % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
f_gibbsite Gibbsite Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
f_fe_oxides Goethite + Hematite + Magnetite + Lepidocrocite % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
f_imog_alloph Imogolite + Allophane % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
f_ferrihydrite Ferrihydrite Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”
f_zeolite Zeolite Abundance % or +/++/+++ numeric, min=0, max=100 ; or “+/++/+++”